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148: Under the Sycamore Tree

In three days I will

marry my love under a

sycamore tree because love and

trees offer us the same gifts.

They teach us how to

weather storms and grow tall

and plant roots and both,

love and trees, fill paper lungs with oxygen.

They make it easier to breathe.

So in three days I will

marry my love under a

sycamore tree and God

will be there because God

is a gardener. And our families

will be there because they

taught us how to love

and when we look back on

this day I hope the thing we say

is that it unfolded like a poem and that

we didn't forget to pay attention and that

the tree covered us and that that,

like love, was more than enough.

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I'm Sarah (Are) Speed, the writer behind Writing The Good. I'm so honored you're here! To get more poems, follow @writingthegood on Facebook and Instagram! 

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