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#145: Knowing You're Out There

I don't have to know you to love you.

Even from here,

even from far away,

I can honestly say-

you with the sleep in your eyes,

with the phone in your hand,

with the baby on your hip,

you who sings Kelly Clarkson

at the top of your lungs in your car,

who slides in socks on hardwood floors,

who cannot afford to miss a day of medicine,

you who asks for correct pronouns and you who listen,

you who prays with your eyes closed and who

doesn't know where to begin

you who still grieves for lost lost, and searches for peace

who takes it black, with cream, with cream and sugar,

who sighs when you sit and tells stories of days gone by

who wonders if you'll be remembered when you go-

I don't have to know you to love you.

Knowing you're out there is more than enough.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Can you feel it?

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I'm Sarah (Are) Speed, the writer behind Writing The Good. I'm so honored you're here! To get more poems, follow @writingthegood on Facebook and Instagram! 

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Photos by Hannah Brii Photography. 

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