Writing the Good
a spiritual practice of writing what is good in the world-
the human and the holy.
Let me introduce myself!
Hello! My name is Sarah (Are) Speed. I am so delighted that you have found your way to this site. Come on in! Stay a while.
When the world fell apart in 2020, I found myself needing to write with a new sense of urgency. I have always been drawn to the page- filling journals and notebooks from elementary school on. However, in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found that the words tumbled out of me in a new way. Everything felt raw, so writing became my medicine.
After months of poems written in text messages, on the back of receipts, and in sticky notes on my desk, I created Writing the Good. Writing the Good began as an Instagram account of daily poems, in an effort to recognize all that is holy, messy, and human in this complicated world. Born during the pandemic, my hope was that these poems might serve as a source of connection in a painfully isolating year.
Meaning Behind The Name
I selected the name, “Writing the Good,” as both a prayer of gratitude and a protest. In this title I challenge myself to remember just how lovely and enough my world truly is. However, I also hold onto this title as a protest for what could be. As long as we have to write the good in order to keep the bad at bay, there is still work to do in our hurting world.
With all that said, I pray that these poems might provide you with an echo of hope, an unpolished honesty, or a whisper of gratitude.
Thank you for reading along. Your support and attention means more than I can say.